Thursday 23 May 2013


Well congratulations world - I just hit my 70th country - thank you Lithuania. This blog is a bit like the Eurovision song contest, full of countries you never expected to be in it, a lot of which aren't actually European, but who cares, it's a fantastic night of the year. 
Last weekend we watched the performances with a couple of English, a Norwegian, and a German Short-haired Pointer, Rupert   :)  We made him a hat to even up the balance of the support teams - and Norway did better than the UK. Rupert looked like a proper Norwegian Nisse!

My '12 points' would have gone to Greece - an inspired combination of kilt wearing, Can Can dancing, moustache clad chaps inspiring the world with 'Alcohol is free' lyrics - no wonder their economy is in a mess! 
But my most 'unexpected performance' vote went to Romania - just You-tube it, I won't spoil the fun - no idea what was happening, but every time I see it I can't believe it's really happening.

As for my blog I'm never sure which country will take an interest next, but everyone seems to like muffins in every continent - well almost, no one from Antarctica has yet checked in.

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