Monday 7 January 2013

Cranberry Muffins

Well disaster struck half way through the baking today - I ran out of butter. That never happens, and then I discovered the sour cream was nearly out too. But as my new pinny said I 'kept calm and carried on baking' regardless. They were a bit drier than normal, but they all got eaten before I had chance to take a photograph, so you'll have to put up with another one of my photos instead - enjoy.

I bet he's never eaten a cranberry in his life!

In a large bowl mix together:
375g self-raising flour
220g caster sugar

In a small bowl mix together:
90g melted butter
half cup sour cream
quarter cup milk
2 large eggs

Stir the wet into the dry then mix in:
1 cup dried cranberries

Divide the mixture between 12 muffin cases
Bake on Gas 5/6 for 20-25 minutes
Leave in the tin for a few minutes before removing onto a wire rack to cool

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