Sunday, 27 March 2011


When was the last time you did something for the first time in your life?
Well I just have ~ I have set up my muffin blog, without the aid of either of my kids telling me which buttons to press! So, yes, I am feeling rather smug.

Anyway, enough of that, and on with this Muffin Milarki ~
My dear friend Rose has always baked muffins, they are delicious and after many years of tasting them (just in case - she wouldn't want
to poison anyone you know), she showed me just how easy it is to do, so I went home, bought a large muffin baking tray and began an epic journey into the wierd and wonderful world of muffin creating. I have only 3 basic recipes, written on a tatty piece of paper, stuck on the freezer, which I have adapted into many dozens of others. They all take about 10 minutes to prepare, 20 minutes to bake, 5 minutes to cool a bit, then 2 minutes to eat (if that).
The strange thing is that the recipes I use are not from Rose. Holly, my daughter, claims she taught me how to bake them, but either way I am very happy to whoever gave me these original recipes, as I'm sure any of you who get to sample them wil be too!


  1. Well done Ali! Those ones you made at Xmas were really nice, Apricot I think.

  2. Looking forward to lots of tasty muffin-recipes here..!
