Thursday, 21 July 2011

A disaster of Honeycomb proportions!

New invention of the day - Coffee and Honeycomb Muffins.

Sounds innocent enough, but this was the day I nearly destroyed my muffin tray.
My friend Sara gave me some packets of honeycomb after she had been to stay and tasted many a muffin in the process, so no doubt she was secrely hoping to taste the said honeycomb in a batch of muffins next time we met up. The consipiracy theorists amoungst you might conclude that she was out to discredit my muffins by the nuclear-proportioned disaster that ensued in the oven whilst baking with the honeycomb.
Anyway, after much scraping, the muffin tray is nearly back to normal. The muffins remain, at present, untasted - I'll leave that honour to Sara when I see her at the weekend. But my guess is that all her teeth will fall out at once with the sticky crunchie gooeyness that is described below:

Warning: Baking these muffins come may cause chaos in the kitchen!

375g self raising flour
210g castor sugar

mix together in a large bowl

melt 90g butter
add - half a cup of sour cream, quarter cup of milk, 2 large eggs

disolve a tablespoon of coffee in a minute bit of boiling water, just enough to disolve the coffee

add this to the liquids

mix the wet ingredients into the dry ones
then add 200g of honeycomb pieces and mix

divide into 12 muffin cases and bake for 25 mins on gas 5/6

Leave to cool in the tray a few minutes before removing onto a wire rack to cool entirely. Then store in an airtight container.

1 comment:

  1. These were quite a success in their scrummie gooeyness, but apparently weren't 'crunchie' at all by the time they were eaten at camp the next day! Mouth-witness reports say that it was worth sacrificing the baking tray to make them!
