Saturday, 4 February 2012

Apple and Cinnamon Muffins

It's 'Using up all the fruit in the bowl Day' so I have made a couple of batches of muffins today, until the eggs ran out - how I miss my hens, and having fresh eggs every day.
To make these:

First peel 3 or 4 apples and peel and dice them into small chunks. Cook in a saucepan with a little water and a lot of sugar, stir them, until they pulp up like apple sauce. Set aside to cool a little.

In a large bowl mix together:
375g self raising flour
200g demerara sugar
20g castor sugar
1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

In a small bowl mix together:
90g melted butter
half a cup of sour cream
quarter cup of milk
2 large eggs

Mix the wet ingredients into the dry ones  
Then add one cup of apple pulp - any extra stick on a pork chop for your lunch tomorrow! 

Divide into 12 muffin cases
Bake Gas 5/6
20-25 mins

leave in the tin for a couple of minutes before removing to
Cool on a wire rack
store in an airtight container  


  1. Tried this one today, very tasty!

  2. glad you liked them, it would also work sultanas in place of some of the apples too
