Friday 13 December 2013

Christmas specials

Tonight I needed to get ahead of the game and bake the muffins for tomorrow's Christmas party.

I opened  the baking basket and found so many different yummy things that I couldn't decide, in the end I went for a bit of a mixture, so long as they had Bailey's in them I didn't mind. 
I ended up using lots of typical Christmassy flavours; like almond, orange peel, chocolate, cranberries and alcohol!!
Better warn the kids they are adult only muffins.

In a large bowl mix together:
375g self-raising flour
220g caster sugar
finely grated rind of an orange/satsuma 

In a small bowl mix together:
90g melted butter
half cup sour cream
quarter cup milk
quarter cup Bailey's
2 large eggs
a glug of almond essence

Mix the wet into the dry ingredients
Then stir in:
half cup dried cranberries
half cup chocolate chunks

Divide the mixture between 12 muffin cases
Bake on Gas 5/6 for 20-25 minutes
Leave in the tin for a few minutes before moving onto a wire rack to cool

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