Saturday 14 December 2013

Peach Cheesecake

I got to celebrate Christmas last weekend with my kids as we are all in different places on Christmas day this year, and this called for making two cheesecakes in one weekend. So being one for trying something new I adapted the original Raspberry and Lime Cheesecake, and went for Peaches instead. 

It was refreshingly different and didn't last long (as usual), so I take that as confirmation that it was a success.

Line the base of your tin with:
200g crushed ginger nut biscuits
mixed with 50g melted butter
press down well and pop in the fridge to chill while you make the topping

Cream together:
500g Mascarpone cheese
40g icing sugar
quarter cup juice from a tin of peaches
quarter cup blitzed drained peaches (I finally found my blender at the back of the cupboard!)

Put the cream onto the chilled biscuit base
place drained peaches on the top to decorate
put back in the fridge to chill until required

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