Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Ginger Cream Pud!

Amazingly not a muffin today - but a treat none the less. This is my easy-peasy pudding, that looks fantastic and takes no time at all. I first ate this at aunty Jose's house - thanks for the recipe aunty Jo.

You will need:
one packet of ginger nut biscuits
a carton of whipped cream (10 fl oz)
some orange juice (150ml)
some grated chocolate

Dip a biscuit in the orange juice. Remove straight away and 
Spread one side of it with whipped-up whipped cream.
Repeat with all teh biscuits, joining them together into a round, or line as yu go. (You can do any pattern you like, making initials, or even a tower, but a tower falls over quite easily and isn't easy to store in the fridge or serve) 
Cover the outside with the remaining whipped cream
Sprinkle with grated or crumbled chocolate
Pop in the fridge for a little while before serving - this will help the bisuits absorb the liquid and go all mushy - in a good way!

You could try an alcoholic version by replacing all or some of the orange juice with Rum, or something similar - but as I'm driving tonight, I went for the alcohol-free version.  


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