Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Chilli Chai Cranberry Loaf

Tonight's little gem is my favourite tea loaf made with chilli chai tea and, instead of the usual mixed fruit, I used cranberries (only because I ran out of mixed fruit). But it looks just fine, and hopefully the guys at work will love it when it reaches the staff room on my birthday. 

First make a pot of hot strong chilli chai tea

In a bowl stir in together:
1 cup of caster sugar 
1 cup of dried cranberries
Add 1 cup of hot tea

Stir and leave to brew for at least half an hour, longer if possible.
(I left mine all day today)

Then add:
1 large egg
2 cups self-raising flour
and mix together

Pour the mixture into a loaf tin
Bake on Gas 4 for 1 hour

And voila!! Fabulous Fat Free Food  

Tomorrow I need to squeeze in baking a couple of batches of muffins before I go out to celebrate the impending birthday with a wonderful Indian meal at the Mango.

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