Sunday 23 February 2014

Auf Wiedersehen

When you bake to celebrate a friend returning to his homeland, and he happens to live near the Black Forest in Germany, then It was obvious that the muffins for this party had to represent that German-ness, and so I baked Black Forest Gateaux muffins. 

This was the regular chocolate muffins, with added black cherries, and (because I didn't have any kirsch in) blackcurrant super concentrated squash!

They worked a treat, and if I'd had more time I would have made a chocolate cream filling to spread on top too -  maybe next time.

In a large bowl sift together:
300g self-raising flour
50g cocoa powder
Stir in:
220g caster sugar

In a small bowl mix together:
90g melted butter
half cup sour cream
half cup milk
quarter cup double concentrate blackcurrant squash
1 large egg

Mix the wet into the dry ingredients
Stir in :
1 cup black cherry pie filling!

Divide the mixture between 12 muffin cases
Bake on Gas 5/6 for 20-25 minutes
Leave in the tin for a few minutes before removing onto a wire rack to cool

Then have a great party with all your German friends.
Hope you come back and visit us soon Stev


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