Monday 10 March 2014

A Step Too Far

I have discovered the limits of my culinary expertise - I just attempted to make pizza dough.

"Easy" says everyone I ever asked, but it was all lies. 

Easy is not the word I would use to explain the mess and desecration of the kitchen that just took place while I tried to knead dough and turn it into a recognizable pizza shape. In the end I turned the holey mess into a Calzone, in the hope that the filling wouldn't all slide off and burn. 

Next time I come over all 'Jamie Oliver' I'll have a word with myself and stick to ready-mades, or wait til a warm day and give myself a lot longer to sort out the uncooperative dough! 

And because it was so terrible, I'll leave you with a quirky photo to take our minds off the disaster that was tea time chez moi.
Liverpool through a puddle

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