I had one of those interesting Christmas presents this year - a llama.
Not a real, live, spitting, hairy kind of llama, but a ceramic, half-glazed, bald looking llama. After much pondering I realised that it was a cress growing llama. Soak the seeds, then plaster on the clay back, fill with water and wait a few days for his 'coat' to grow before eating!!
I have waited patiently for it to be 'salad season' to grow my llama, and this was the week my llama was watered.
The photos are necessary to show to one of my work colleagues who (mostly due to the dog eating her hearing aids) misunderstood my conversation about the llama, and thought I was actually going to grow cress on a real live llama!
She wanted to know if it only worked on llamas, as she then considered that it was not possible to grow cress on a sheep due to the lanolin content in their wool (Science teachers eh?). I think a whole new class science project was about to be undertaken - poor llamas. But eventually, dubiously, she seemed to believe me.
Here is the evidence. And hopefully in a few days time there will be a more lush looking llama to grace my blog - let's hope so. I want cress for my salad on Saturday!
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