Tuesday 14 January 2014

Norwegian Adventure: Part 3

...There were moose prints on the front garden this morning, he is teasing me and won't show up when I go looking!
...Lamb ribs for tea last night - they call it piinnekjøtt, and it was well tasty, Just needed a bit of mince sauce. Instead we had Lingonberry sauce.
Just got called for the morning walk, it's probably afternoon, but the light will be gone in a couple of hours, so I'd better go moose hunting.

...I, hereby known as 'Intrepid Explorer', have returned from a visit into the mountains to see the cabin. 'Wow' isn't a good enough expression. The snow was knee deep in most places that I went off piste. The skiers were a-plenty. The sunset was awesome. I made my second ever snow-angel and took millions of photos (only a slight exaggeration). and guess what - pizza for tea tonight, my life is complete ...
...It's coldest yet. Minus 5, and is now snowing for the first time since I got here. It's just getting dark so I suppose I had better go shopping! And take the camera with me just in case the moose turns up en route. Been testing the local cakes and pastries in every house we've visited. My blog is going to full of non muffins come the new year. Shopping calls ...

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