Saturday, 18 January 2014

Norwegian Adventure: Part 7

...I am indebted to my hosts for sharing their Christmas with me and welcoming me in so kindly, and treating me so well, and making me eat bread at every opportunity, and for not making me eat the fish!
Thank you mør Kari, Erik, Magnhilde, and of course Inger.

...This was one special Christmas (thanks to Holly, Tim, Jack and Clare), never to be forgotten, i just can't believe I have to go back to work on Monday - but the day isn't over yet despite the darkness of the hour.

...p.s. I met a Troll on the way home from the mountain at a place that has a 'Minister for fun' appointed every year.

...I've just heard on the weather that there is a chance we might just see the northern lights from here, I intend spending my last night looking out of the window, or standing on a hill just in case - I just need the rain to go away and the clouds to clear up. Why would it rain today, it's been clear skies till now!
We got home safely, but it was a very long day, so now to sorting photos and getting the house back to normal after Christmas, should just manage it before work on Monday.

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