Sunday 14 February 2016

Choca Mocha Bayley's Cream Muffins

Due to popular demand (- thanks both!!!) I have finally gotten round to writing out this recipe. I know it's been a while, but I have been way too busy to bake lately, and until today hadn't made a new flabour in ages, sticking with the time old favourites whenever I did manage to bake. Any way here goes:

In a large bowl sift together:
300g self raising flour
20g cocoa powder
20g coffee powder (I used Nescafe Azera Americano)

then stir in:
220g caster sugar

In a small bowl mix together:
90g melted salted butter
half cup sour cream
half cup milk
quarter cup Bailey's

Mix the wet into the dry then stir in:
200g white chocolate chips

Meanwhile in a small bowl mix together:
half tub cream cheese
1 tablespoon caster sugar

Put a dollop of the muffin batter in the base of each paper case.
Then add a small dollop of cream cheese mixture
Cover over with the remaining batter

Bake on Gas 5/6 for 20-25 minutes
Leave in the tin for a few minutes before moving onto a wire rack to cool 

Then enjoy - the smell and taste divine.

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